A new companion for our fur baby--yes or no?

My husband and I have our first little boy, our tabby cat, who has been our primary "baby" for the last two years (almost). He is very well-behaved, especially with the baby items (trained to not get in crib, not get in toys, etc.) and he's a great cat. However, he's very attached to my hubby (and me), and loves to play and get on our bed and things like that.  We are a little concerned about him once our son is born (any time between now and next few weeks!). This is our first baby so we don't really know what to expect.  We used to have another cat, a female, but when we moved across the country we had to re-home her with my friend (she was not receptive to the pregnancy or any baby items). We are considering adopting another kitten for him to have a companion and to have a focus point that is not just the baby, as well as to get attention once baby comes. On the other hand, we don't know if this would end up being a bad idea. Any thoughts?  Any experience with getting your fur baby integrated to no longer being your whole world?