Boyfriends dad rant

So just a little rant... My boyfriend of 2 years and I have been living together for a at least 6-7 months now we'll all of a sudden his parents are divorcing.. His mother loves me to death and always allowed me to sleep over ETC.. Well after Christmas my boyfriend and I moved across the street from his parents while they were still together and we were renting from his father. Now that his parents are divorcing and his mom moved out and is living on her own his dad decided he wasn't going to let me live there anymore because it's "immoral" of him because we aren't married (I'm 17 my boyfriend is 19) THERE WAS NEVER A PROBLEM TILL NOW. Not only did he tell me this he also told me how my boyfriends sister claimed that I was planning to leave my boyfriend for another man.. ALSO A FALSE STATMENT! I'm so pissed right now! Oh and his father also proceeds to tell everyone this as well as say he is afraid I'm going to press statuary rape charges against my boyfriend if he breaks up with me.. Me and my boyfriend have a VERY heathery relationship and like I said have been together for 2 years and a couple months my mother has ALWAYS been okay with us dating and neither of us would ever do that. Well now his father hates me because of all this bullshit that isn't even true and I told him it wasn't and all he said was "oh" and walked away and said he hass important stuff to do like whatever! And the best part is my boyfriends mother doesn't even know about any of it and when she find out she will be pissed that I'm not allowed to stay there anymore! So basically I'm living by this I seen it today on the Internet. "God please remove anybody lying to me, using me, speaking foul on me behind my back but pretending to love me in my face. amen." 😊 seeing how all of a sudden his Father is all godly and claims to be "the Holy Spirit" I'll set a prayer 😊🙏🏽