Boyfriend addicted to social/dating apps

Queonnah • Krishna born 10/27/2010 pregnant💃🏽
I just don't understand this. My boyfriend cannot stay away from social or dating apps. He says he just like talking to people and that's true. Annoying true. He talks to everyone; especially in public. I'll be ready to go and he'll be chopping it up with the sales clerk. Anyways! When it comes to the dating apps, he lets me see his profile but me being the stubborn woman I am, I feel like I shouldn't have to be checking this shit because he shouldn't be on the app in the first place. But oh "I get bored. I'm not doing anything on there."
I think he loves attention. He's a really, really cute guy and he gets plenty of that in public. But I feel like he's immature and hasn't realized that  is actually kind of disrespectful to me? Because who's gonna be giving him attention on those apps? Other women. Who will he be chatting with? Other women. Every time I try to ask him to stop he tries to make me read all his messages. Or he will temporarily delete the apps just to re download them again. What do you think about this?