Bf picked up girl in bar... Just let it go?

Ok. So a little bit of back story. A few days ago my bf and I got in a horrible fight. My phone was being really stupid and apparently sending all my calls to voicemail and not receivint texts. I didn't realize for 4 hrs as I was working. I restarted my phone and that fixed the problem but by that time my bf had been trying to get in touch with me for a while. I don't know why my phone did that and it didn't make sense to him so he thought I was lying and possibly cheating. At the end of that night when I went to his place to talk I noticed things had been cleaned. My stuff was put away. Bed made. Just a little strange. He told me he was planning on having another woman there that night. But didn't end up doing it. He felt like I was cheating so he could do what he wanted. I was so hurt. I wasn't even doing anything but working.

After things cooled down. A few days later I asked him who was this woman and how he met her. He started out vague saying he met her at this bar he goes to "a long time ago". Telling me it doesn't matter. It was "a while ago". Then when I pushed the matter and asked him to just kinda guess how long ago he says "maybe March or April. " Like a month or two ago! He says we are good and for me not to focus on it. That it was a little flirting at the bar. And it's in the past. But I know if it was me it wouldn't be let go like that. Plus I'm hurt because it just seems like a respect thing. Respect for me and respect for our relationship. But I don't know if I should just focus on moving forward and us doing good together.