39 week appt

Torri • Hi! I`m Torri! I have 2 beautiful girls. 3 yrs old and 7 months old. Planning on one more in the next 2 years.
39 weeks and 1 day at my dr appt! She stripped my membranes even though I'm still only 1-2cm and my cervix is still far back so she was only able to do it about 3/4 of the way. It was uncomfortable but def not awful. Really hoping this does something for me because I really want to go into labor on my own.. 
Measuring small for 39 weeks so she's putting me on the non stress test for about 30 minutes and wants to do a growth ultrasound next week. She said her heartbeat sounds like a term baby though, so that's good!
Hoping this baby comes soon!!