Ok so my friend and I always message every night and tonight we played truth and dare and we both started joking about dicks and sex and Magic Mike the film. Bearing in mind I've never seen the film just images of it(I'm 14) anyway I forgot my Instagram was logged in on my mums tablet and she has found the messages. She won't talk to me and thinks I wa a serious about it all and she has literally said she doesn't wasn't anything to Dow it's me cause of the lanuage used(Fuck,Dick,cock) Alsl she is a Jehovah's Witness which is why lanuage is a big deal to her! I've sent her several texts trying to explain and all but she is either asleep or making out to he asker on How can I get her to forgive me tomorrow!? I've decided to delete Instagram and age book to get her trust back. But how else can I get her to understand fthatvit was Just jokes!! Sure it wa disgusting what we both out but we got giddy and carried away! WE'RE TEEENAGE GIRLS!!! Also my mum shouldn't have been looking through my messages! 😠😡😤 But any how! How do I get her to forgive me!!? Please help! And don't judge cause for what I did I know t was wrong!