Lets talk dogs...

Ok, so I've read ALOT of posts about pits. And aggressive dogs. And I just want to point something out.. I own 3 full blood pits, a cane Corso/ pit mix, boxer mix, and a daucsund.. Out of all of my dogs, my most aggressive AFTER proper training is my daucsund... I'm a vet tech and I work with aggressive dogs daily, I also train k9 service dogs, police dogs, and therapy dogs. I've worked with aggressive dogs being smaller then 5lbs to 150lbs.. And by far the most aggressive breed I've ever worked with are little dogs. With proper training, diet, and some times to the extreme meds (I used meds for about 3 months with my rescue pit, she was an old fight dog). Yes some dogs have bad wiring, but you can train them through it. It took a few months before I trusted my rescue girl around the rest of my pack, and now she's the best one of them.. I would never suggest euthanizing an animal unless medical reasons were stated.. With a proper trainer and time, you can train a dog away from habits you don't like, and help them. An agressive, destructive dog is a cry for help. All dogs want to be trained, they need guidance.. If you don't have the time or want to put in the effort, then please don't own a dog... You're setting them up for failure.. Diet is also a key role in aggression, corn wheat eggs, they can cause behaviors we don't like because dogs arent suppose to consume those. Bananas in small portions help release the happy hormone in there head and also help with aggression.. Daily exercise is another way to help with destructive nature and aggression, excerise them daily and they will be happier! Kennel train so they have their safe place, don't use the kennel as punishment, let them know that's a place they can go to get away from everything and be safe! And on top of all of that training! Training training training! Make them work for everything you give them and train them properly!!! 
If this is to hard or complicated.. Please please please reconsider getting a dog.. They are hard work and they need proper training, even the most trustworthy breed and "own able" breed needs time and training. 
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Posted at
Ok so my comment may be ridiculous because I only skimmed the post but we got our beautiful girl from the pound and I couldn't be happier! I feel SO good that we saved her life. She looks mostly Lab but of course we don't know for sure since she doesn't have papers. She most definitely has a little Pit in her, I think. She's the sweetest, most loving little thing there ever was and I thank God for her everyday. Many dogs have the potential to do harm. Regardless of breed. Dogs need lots and lots of love and attention. Always! And if you buy or adopt a dog, don't ever forget that! 💟💟💟 Here's our girl, miss Avery!


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My beautiful, sweet, loving, registered emotional support animal. Pitbull/husky.


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Totally agree! People are so ignorant when it comes to dogs and training! For people to honestly sit there and say all pits are bad is the most ignorant tatement ever also to say they are the only dog that doesn't do "warnings" is also dumb! It's also ignorant to say little dogs can't kill children. Newsflash yes they can. Some people need to do some research. The pit bull is the original nanny dog. Bad dogs come from bad owners period. 


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Little dogs that are aggressive can't do as much damage as a large dog with aggression though, that's the thing about pits because if you come across an aggressive one, it can be a life or death situation. That is why I don't think a small dog with aggression can even be compared to a pitbull that is aggressive. If a small dog attacks, MAYBE some stitches or just a bandaid. If a pitbull attacks, your lucky if you escape without life threatening injuries, even death. Also, most breeds with aggression don't ATTACK/maul, but rather a quick warning bite and then they back off. If a pitbull attacks, it's going to be a struggle for the victim to get free. I think we need to stop comparing small dog aggression with dangerous breed aggression, there is a HUGE difference... As in, a life or death difference. I agree pits can be loving pets, but I'd rather come across an angry chihuahua than an angry pitbull any day of the week. 


Posted at
You're a vet tech and you can't properly spell dachshund? Seriously? Please learn very BASIC grammar. My god. I'm so sorry, but I am so tired of seeing posts with just awful grammar. You make techs look bad. I'm an RVT too! 


Aly • May 20, 2016
Maybe learn to spell one of the most common dog breeds. Just saying. Get educated.


Nina • May 20, 2016
I'm sorry when I type on my phone when pissed off I don't go back to check grammar spelling or punctuation... It's a fucking app not a damn school report. Deal with it.


Posted at
Exactly! I work with a dog rescue and i just love dogs so when ppl at work have questions about dogs they always come to me. The one girl got a bloodhound and he was BAD and destructive! And she asked me a bunch of stuff and i was like exercise him daily, especially since he was a puppy, and crate train him. She did what i told her and she was happy with the results. You have to be patient and start them young, unless of course its a rescue dog or something, than its just patience. All dogs can be good dogs.They  need structure


Nina • May 20, 2016
Exactly!! It's so hard explaining this to certain people tho.. And that's where it gets aggravating.. Pretty much most cases I'm more worried about the owner Doing something stupid over the dogs!