Are men really willing to wait for sex?

Ladies, how do I explain to a guy that I'm not going to have sex right away? I'm trying to transform from a hoe into a housewife 😭😭
I'm gonna try to make this as short as possible. 
I'm 23 and have had 7 sexual partners in my life. At 18 I got into a serious relationship that recently just ended because it took me a long time to realize it was abusive and unhealthy and I am finally putting myself first.
I'm really in no rush, but I would love to date and find love again one day. But I worry most men don't have my best interest at heart. I am no longer willing to have sex without love. When I do have sex again it's going to be with someone I have been dating exclusively that I trust and love. But I realize that trust and love take time. Are men really willing to wait? Any advice would be greatly appreciated, I'm so rusty I have been out of the dating game for 5 years.
Is it realistic to want to date and fall in love with a person first before having sex even if this takes months? 
Am I living in a fairytale and "asking to get cheated on", as I've been told? Am I doomed to be single forever?? (it's ok I have a cat 😻😭 ☹️plz help)