Recovering from setback

Tiffanie 🌷
Hi ladies,
I've taking a break to try and get my emotions together. Now that things are moving along, I thought I'd share my story. Last month I was scheduled to begin my first <a href="">iui</a> cycle. I had all my labs done and followed my REI's advice and instructions to the letter. I warned them that my cycle would likely start on the weekend, but they assured me that if I left a detailed message they would get it first thing the following Monday and schedule me right away. As I predicted, I started my cycle on Saturday and I called and left my message with confidence. Monday came and went. I don't want to be momzilla and I had until Wednesday to get my u/s done, so I didn't panic. The next morning, though, I began to call. Every time I could take a break from work I called. Tuesday passed with no answer, and no return phone call. Wednesday I was full on panic mode. I continued calling all the numbers I had to no avail. Finally, at 3:30pm I got an answer. I explained all that occurred, and that it was day 5 for me and I had to get the u/s done. She said 'we close in 30 minutes so if you want you can come here now.' I had so many emotions in that moment that I couldn't move!!! 
This hospital is huge finding a parking space and walking through the build to get to the OBG clinic easily takes 20 minutes not to mention the drive.
And she was just like ok sorry bye. THIS IS MY LIFE LADY!! I couldn't believe it. So now, after some tears and frustration and a much needed pause in the fertility madness I'm starting again. I had the same issue with the phone that's never answered, but this time called my way to the director. She answered right away and was horrified to hear of my experience. She took all the details and made sure I got my appointment. And I guess she had a few talks with people in that clinic because I've had 2 more phone calls from REI just confirm that I got my appointment and  that everything was good now. My baseline u/s is on Monday morning and my serrapeptase came in today. Here's to hoping for the bfp!!