My hope is in the Lord

Abraham was 100 and Sarah was 90 when God promised them a child. They thought it was impossible! But nothing is impossible for the Lord! If He wills it, it's going to happen. I've had this app for a week, and I see so many women struggling to conceive. Everyone is hoping for a baby. My husband and I have only been trying for 6 months. I worry sometimes because I have pcos and I know it's hard to conceive with it. But I also have the Lord, and with Him, all things are possible. If it is His will that I have a baby, then Amen! I so look forward to that day. But if it is His will that I don't, then He has other plans for me and I will still praise Him! I pray you all keep hope in the Lord! Don't look down when you have another pregnancy test that is negative, but look up to the Lord! That in His time, if it is His will, He will bless you with that baby! <3 
God bless! <3