Letter to my rude SIL who kicked us out after my SO was crying to his brother.


Did you ever think that B is upset about losing a baby? So much so that he needed a distraction from the inner pain that he was going through? And with his parents being too far away he turned to his brother, who he looks up to, who he needed to help him get through this hard time.

I tried to let this go, but I'm not going to have this eat at me any longer. It's not healthy for me right now. You were out of line.

We asked permission to come over. We were granted it.

If you are having some insecurities about your life, you need to deal with that in a healthy way. Not in a way that involves throwing a tantrum, slamming doors, making threats, and scaring your own child.

You need to look into seeking professional help.

A little compassion for those who have suffered the loss of a baby can go a long way and I hope you will never have to go through that.

But just because you don't understand, doesn't mean you can be a bitch.