Jereka • Momma, Wifey, Daughter, Adventurer, Dreamer, New YouTube "Vlogger", Ink Lover, & Hippie at Heart!
Okay ladies, last month my period started on the 20th and according to Glow I was due to start the 13th or 14th and never did. Welllllllllll 2 days ago I went pee and wiped & there was a slight pink tinge on the toilet paper but nothing the rest of the day or day after and then yesterday I went pee again and wiped and there was prominent blood so I put a tampon in and wore it half the day so I went to take it out and I'll just say it felt like it was ripping my insides out bc it was dry!!! Ahhh worst feeling in the world, hurt soo bad... but anyways I put a pad on to wear to bed just incase I started again and it hasn't ever came back!! What in the world is going on with me & yesterday some & right now I feel a little nauseous. Please give me some advice!! SN:: I don't have insurance so can't just go to the Dr! 😔 TIA!!