Empowerment Time!

Hey ladies! I've been reading quite a few post on here that seem to hold some fear of our impending delivery and wanted to take a moment to empower you. 
Whether you are first time mom or fifth, planning natural labor, epidural, or schedule c-section: 
You are strong. Your body is strong. Your body was made for this. 
You have instincts naturally and you can trust them. In fact you should. Doctors have wisdom but they do not feel what you're feeling. 
Your baby will be born, you will not be pregnant forever. 
Remember all the women who have birthed before you, who birth in amazing circumstances and places. 
Breath. Deep belly breaths. Breathe in peace, breathe out Fear and anxiety. Visualize what you're breathing (white light/black smoke). 
Relax, accept every change, pain, Braxton, and remind yourself you are that much closer to holding your baby. 
Praying for you all! I attached my birth affirmations that i put on my bedroom wall (home birth). You can make some that you can bring with you to the hospital if you're birthing there. Many are scripture, but not all. Find what comforts you and meditate on it before and during labor. So much love mamas!!! Add some empowering thoughts or quotes below!!!