Help for a friend

Hi ladies just trying to help a friend of mine out as she just told me this . 
She found out her husband was talking to his exgirlfriend about his and his exgirlfriends sex life . He then was talking to another friend of his that was a girl that apparently he still had feelings for this was only 6 weeks after they got married . They separated but were still living in the same house because of financial reasons . She told everyone that they separated she told me the day they separated . She stopped doing everything as a family and as a married couple went to the movies alone and went to her mothers with her kids without him . Then she started talking to a guy a few weeks after they separated . I told her that he was in the wrong . As she had told everyone that they were separated and she was living downstairs he was up stairs and she cut all ties with him . He emotionally cheated on her . He apparently went around and told everyone she was having an affair on him . What do you ladies think ? 
Advice please thank you