1 month old eating 36oz a day?!?!

My baby girl was born 9lbs 1 oz... She was a formula baby from day 1( medical reasons) so she started out on enfamil at the hospital and then when We got home we switched her to the target brand of enfamil and she was spitting up a lot and very gassy so our pedi suggested the target brand enfamil gentle ease and our baby took to it very well.. But the past few days she has been awake almost all day and sleeping through the night almost.. But today she has been sleeping during the day again but it seems like she's been eating constantly...and spitting up maybe once or twice today... But I've logged how much she's eating and in less then a 24 hour period she's eaten 36oz... And she's not just crying l... She's showing all the hunger cues and we are using a slow flow nipple.. I don't know what to do!