Need some advice

So my boyfriend went away for the weekend at very late notice with my brother to go pigging and shorting and fishing etc. it was a Wednesday arvo that he left ( I had plans that weekend as well) and it's Sunday today ( I just received a FB message from him to say they are leaving now and will see me in a few hours....
Anyway we have a 1 year old - I'm literally exhausted working full time and with a baby, we've had no food needed to go to the shops, needed petrol, and on top of all of that I couldn't get a babysitter for the plans that I had. My partner left and he was telling me to make sure I go and get pampered and get my nails done and a pedicure and go shopping and spoil myself etc - although he was telling me to do al of that he knew I wouldn't have been able to as I had NO ONE to watch our son... 
I'm just really exhausted and could break down and cry cos I've just been unable to do anything at all and this past few days have been really hard for me doing everything on my own. I really take my hat off to single women who do it. It really has tested me.
So when my BF messaged me just now to say he's coming home etc, I was not in the best mood and just replied "ok" he then asked what's wrong etc, anyway we had a bit of a heated discussion through messages and now I'm even more upset then I was before because I'm excited he's coming home but now it's not on good terms. 
I'm seriously just so worn out and he has no idea!! He was upset that I wasn't showing much interest to him - ( all the other guys had contacted their gf's and they all seemed happy etc and excited they were coming home) I was trying to explain that to him that I had no energy to be excited etc and that its been really hard for me and I said I'm not going to act a certain way just because other people are? No relationship is the same.
Anyway I'll talk to him once I'm home but now I'm dreading it cos it's not going to be a nice welcome home or anything... Any help? Was I being rude or too harsh?