Back in the hospital


I was admitted yesterday because I had the absolute worst gallbladder attack I've ever had. Found out it is now inflamed so it's going to be removed tomorrow. I miss my 2 week old sooooooooo much it's driving me nuts. I keep looking at his videos and pictures and I wish I could be home with him. It's making me want to cry. 😢 please pray for a speedy recovery ladies. 
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What were your symptoms mama? I got discharged yesterday but they didn't really tell me what's wrong, just gave me antibiotics and said to check in with my OB. 6 days post part in and felt like I was going to die last night 


Chenise • May 23, 2016
You literally feel like you're going to die. It hurts in your upper right stomach area and radiates through your chest. I get nauseous and vomit really violently. It's so uncomfortable. You can't sit, stand, lay down, it's terrible.


Posted at
I had my gallbladder removed shortly after having my second baby. I promise you will feel sooooo much better!!!


Chenise • May 23, 2016
I definitely want it out. It sucks. I want to feel better, but I also want to get home to my baby. I miss him so much 😢


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Praying for you!! 💕


Chenise • May 23, 2016
Thank you love