Pregnancy Scare Please Comment And Tweak!!!!!!!

After trying for almost 2 years my s/o and I parted ways. We were apart for over 4 months. Started having sex the day after my last cycle ended which was April 28th. After 2 chemicals and then nothing we gave up. Anyway, while in Family Dollar yesterday I had this odd feeling to get a pregnancy test. I took one as soon as I got in last night and nothing really. Line was so barely there I was holding it up to the light thinking I just had line eyes. Mind you, we didn't speak of or think about getting pregnant. We've truly just been enjoying sex. Well this morning I took another test and bam a faint positive within 2 minutes if that long. I was crying so hard. My symptoms are so similar to my period which is due in 7 days I'm going crazy! Anyone else find out this early and actually be pregnant? I eat the same cheeseburger everyday, have been for over a week. It's been a must my diet smh. I have the sore boobs, cramping which started over a week ago. Never had period symptoms start so early. Father's day is next month so I'm hoping to give him the gift of an ultrasound. Sorry for the long rant. Take a look. Do some tweaking if you think necessary. I tried tweaking but have no clue what I'm doing. This blue line is really blue and nothing like the hold up to the light, need a magnifying glass, wish upon a star faint tests I got with my chemical pregnancies. Please pray for me ladies. Ugh. I'm bummed and happy at the same time if it makes any sense.