Mamaroo Reviews


Looking for some reviews on the Mamaroo Seat. Is it worth the 280$ price?
587 views • 0 upvotes • 13 comments



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I bought mine used for $100 and I love it 


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It works for my baby! He likes to just hang out in it. It was the only way I was able to have my hands free to eat for the first few weeks. I registered for the Rockaroo, but my aunt bought me the Mamaroo instead. I wasn't sure about it at first, but I'm glad we have it now. :)


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My sister in law got one as a gift and says absolutely not to buy it...her main complaint was that the weight limit is so low that baby can only use it for a really limited amount of time....not worth the money in her opinion so I won't be getting one! Have heard rock and play is much better


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I inherited it from a friend , baby is coming in a few quicks but I don't think j am going to use it . It takes too much space and it's kind of loud when it moves 


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My son was a preemie and lived in it for months. So worth it- its been thru two kids now and hope it lasts till the third. Its a bit louder now than it used to be but still smooth


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My daughter is NOT impressed with the mamaroo!! I wish we hadn't splurged for it! 


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Nope. Everyone I've talked to says no. 


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I bought it and I like it. Hopefully the baby will like it too! 


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Still waiting to see. I bought mine used for 120$


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Maybe see if you can find a used one. Swing/bouncer type things aren't used very long usually.