Any help please?(TMI without photo)

Julia • Trying for #3

So at 11dpo pm I had some light pink spotting I'm like..okay I'm getting af 2 days early. This proceeded to disappear and then come back at 12dpo with brown and purple (yes purple) was almost like guna be brown turning brown type wasn't alot but enough to be like okay NOW it's finally starting (I don't spot if you can't tell by now on my confusion)

So we're back today at 13 dpo woke up with nothing..and still nothing af is due today..idk what to think..I only have dip strips and I don't see anything on the test...If it was indeed implantation when would I actually see a line? The tests I got are idk what to think or if af is coming..ugh this sucks lol

Mind you I have no cramping at all..