
My doctor had me tested for PCOS and the only symptom I have is an irregular period. I haven't gotten the results back yet, but I'm curious if anyone else has ever been in a similar situation.

I came off of BC in Sept 2015 a couple weeks before my wedding. I had a period, and then two weeks after it ended, I started another much smaller one. I figured this was just my body reseting after coming off BC. I got regular periods for the next few months, and then they stopped. My last period started on January 26th. I've had some spotting since (but not recently) that I couldn't put a pattern to.

My thought was that coming off BC could still be the cause, but my doctor immediately dismissed that. He said those few months I was getting a period were my window of opportunity and I basically missed it.

I've resorted to taking OPKs daily (which my doctor kind of scoffed at), checking CM, and temping to try to figure out if and when I'm ovulating. I had fertile CM starting on 5/10, got an LH surge on 5/11, and a temp spike on 5/13. My temp dropped back down to just above normal the next day, but then came back up the following day and has been elevated since. I'm not banking on a BFP because my husband and I were busy and only got to BD once in that window (5/10 so probably too early). Right now I'm just hoping for AF and negative results on my PCOS test.

Has anyone been through a similar situation? What was the outcome?

Edit to add: Also, for the past few days I've had all my normal pre-period symptoms. I've been hungry, worn down, felt nauseated, and my boobs have been hurting. So hopefully that's a good sign.