18 TTC

Christianna • 19 year old wife, TTC for baby #1
So around the 4th I took a pregnancy test and when i went back a couple days after and looked at it The test had a second line but kinda faint I don't know if it happened the same day or what cause I didn't really look at it that good so This past Monday 5/16/16 I took another one but got a faint line again within the time given. This past week and some of last week I've been peeing a lot more, having slight headaches, cramps, and my breast has grew a whole cup size and the veins are now visible My periods are irregular but the last time I had one was the last 2 weeks of April 
Can anyone give me some advice on what they think on it please. I've missed my period it's been about 4 days since I've  missed it 
Thanks in Advance