New relationships

I got out of a 3 year relationship pretty recently. It was pretty one-sided and I was the one putting in all the effort. He recently broke up with me to move in with his friend (who is a girl) and he just "didn't want a relationship " then I find out like 2 weeks later after we hooked up one last time, that he is with another. (but I'm prettier so it's whatever, lol)
I've been friends with this guy for years. We net to church together and basically grew up together always been in each other's lives. We've always had feelings for each other but we were always with someone so we never got our chance. Well, now we kind of have one and he treats me so well and he's kind and I really really like him...but I'm afraid. I'm afraid to get into another relationship not knowing when I'm gonna get over this last one. And I'm afraid to just put myself out there and get my heart broken again, I just don't think I can do it again honestly. I want this bc I really really like this guy, I need advice. Advice about anything really. How to deal with being with someone else. Advice about moving on. And being in love. Just advice. Please anyone