Feel free to share your status atm. May be tmi

I wanted to share details from my appt today, but not on fb cause I figured it'd definitely be tmi there. 35 weeks 6 days with #2. Doctor said I'm 2cm dilated and 50% effaced. Also had a sono at 35 weeks 2 days where weight was guesstimated at 4lbz13oz(1lb under #1's birth weight). My mom gives it 10 more days, but I think it'll be longer since I went a few weeks this way with #1. Plus our diaper party/celebration isn't until next weekend, and I'd like to at least make it till after that. I've had the date 6/16 in my head this whole pregnancy cause that is 9 months to the day of my last AF, and #1 was born 9 months to the day of my last AF before my bfp. Silly I know, but it would be quite the coincidence.