To have a changing table or not!? Help!!


I was bound and determined (being stubborn) not to have a changing table a few of my friends just have changing stations on the floor and it seems so much more simple. Then they are able to have it on their bed sometimes, in the nursery or in the lounge depending what stage their bub is at and where they are spending most of their time. But as im getting closer to my date and people are seeing my nursery and making comments that im crazy not to have a changing table and I'm second guessing myself.

Our nursery is small but could fit a small one in if I change my mind or have a c-section and am not able to bend over. However as said above id prefer not to have one or at least give it a go.

Any moms out there that haven't used a changing table, had one but didn't use it or ended up buying one after a while??

Id love to hear your ideas, opinions or pros and cons of both.