Pushing a stroller


How much of a work out am I really getting and how do I engage my core more? I push a double stroller which weighs about 30 lbs with the frame and seats I believe. I have an almost 20lb 7mo and a 3lbs 1.5yo in it. I find myself pushing with my arms and chest instead of using my legs to push, if you know what I mean by that.

I usually push it 4x to and from school for my son 5 mins from my house, up two sets of 4 stairs & down, and then I will also do errands and such which I will walk practically everywhere if I can. I am also cutting out all energy drinks, I rarely drink pop, never drink coffee, drink tea when I'm sick or cold, I generally eat healthy foods. I think my biggest set back to weight loss is all the sugar and other crap in the emerge drinks I was drinking. I've so far gone 3 days without any and I so badly want one but I'm not focusing on that. Instead I made iced tea out of a weight loss tea lol. Who even know if that's going to help or not. Maybe the flavour will encourage me to drink more though.