Baby won't latch without a fight

My 10 week old daughter is EBF and throughout the day there are times when she will act like she is hungry (fussing, chewing her hand, smacking her lips, rooting when I pick her up...) but as soon as I take out my boob she starts kicking and crying hard and arching her back and has a melt I'll put the boob away and she calms down but still acts hungry. This will go on for a while until finally she'll latch while crying and then nurse for up to an hour like she was starving! I don't get it. Sometimes she has no problem latching on and eating peacefully and other times she fights it. I just don't know why or what I'm doing wrong but it breaks my heart when I know she is hungry but gets so upset when I try to feed her. Does anyone else's baby do this? Any suggestions?