Baby's 👶🏽 Still There

Shawn • very excited to be expecting my first child ❤️👶🏽🙃
So I wasn't going to share this but I didn't know who it may help so decided to go ahead...
On Thursday (last week) I was having really bad pains (no bleeding). I went to the emergency room because it continue off and on. They took me in immediately. After a while of running tests and doing the ultrasound (vaginal) ect ect. A nurse came in ready to give me a shot and I freaked out (not because of the shot because I have Crohns-Colitis and ALWAYS get shots, but out of confusion) because she started telling me about how I was RH Negative and my blood can't mix with my child's blood or it could be detrimental to my baby. Then the doc came and told me based off of my ultrasound they couldn't see the baby/ any indication that I was pregnant (other than my urine of course). So I was getting really worked up. I was sure I had lost my baby. They didn't give me the shot because when they did the pelvic exam they didn't find blood. Advised to follow up with my OB. 
I called my OB the next morning and they were excellent. Stayed In constant contact and got me in the office THE SAME DAY. They did their own ultrasound and the lady asked me "who did the last one? Was it a doctor? A tech?" I was just telling her I didn't know. She points to the screen and tells my fiancé and I "oh well, your baby is right here!" And I see a little dot on the screen (really a sac because of how far along I was) but we were so happy! We were right where we needed to be! Next we talked to a physician who said he has no idea WHAT they were doing in the ER But we are fine! #SoHappy