Chances of miscarrying ??

?????? I'm 4 weeks and nervous as I see so many people saying they have miscarried on here! 
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Posted at
Stop reading this app! It will drive you crazy


Lindze • May 26, 2016
😂👌too true


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I was nervous as well unfortunately it can happen... the chances go down to less then 1 percent after the 12th week and they find a heartbeat with a doppler externally... unfortunately at the 4th week the chances of miscarriage is over 30% u can actually Google it good luck to you I'm sure everything will turn out just fine!!! As a lady told me if u do miscarry that means something was wrong with the growing fetus and the body has no choice but to abort the pregnancy rather it just be implantation didn't occur properly or just something else went wrong babies are a true miracle so many things have to go right it's hard to believe with all the people we have in the world I've just also known lots of ppl to misscarry as u I still worry I am just in my 18th week the worrying never stops!


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Don't worry about it because if you are stressed that can make a miscarriage more likely cxx


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The more you stress the higher your chances


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You have to realize that the majority of women on this app are on here because they have had difficulties with conceiving/infertility/losses. Don't stress just enjoy every minute you can because whatever happens will happen regardless 


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Out of all the women in the world the ones on this app are only a small % don't stress too much. Jump on Dr Google and check out all the stories and statistics you'll see it's really not that many. And just take care and listen to everything your dr says