Period while breastfeeding!

Last week I got my first real period, ol just turned two months Saturday, I've had a terrible time bf since she was born but I took action and was using all sorts of supplements and oatmeal remedies to get my supply up bc it was no where near what it should have been in the beginning, I wanted to strictly the breast from the gate and that was not possible due to low supply, so I finally got my supply up to where it should be and I went back to work and her in daycare and still things were great, but then I got my period and there's been a significant drop in my supply lately :/ she seems to be satisfied when she nurses but my pumping at work as dropped and it's beyond frustrating I've been reading your period will lower supply has anyone else seen this happen? I'm terrified I'm drying up or that she isn't eating enough, I'm only pumping 3-4 oz but not everytime and at daycare she's eating anywhere from 3-5 oz 😔