Breastfeeding issues!

So my big man is a month old today and I've been having all kinds of issues with breastfeeding. I had to start supplementing at about a week and a half because my supply wasn't enough to keep my son satisfied after each feeding, then we had latching issues that made my nipples bleed and become sore so I had to start pumping to give them a break (we fixed it), and at about 3 1/2 weeks he started only latching on for about 5 mins and then letting go and start getting fussy and I couldn't get him to latch longer then 5 mins so I've been having to pump but I want him back on the breast because I can only pump about 5 oz a day and I'm afraid I'm gonna dry up and I don't want that to happen. How can I get him to latch and stay on and is there anyway I can boost my supply? I tried the tea but it made me and my son constipated so that's a no go.. Tia..