Baby loves wrap AT FIRST, but screams when she wakes up!

J 🐙

My baby is almost five weeks and has always loved being in her wrap. Recently though when she's sleeping peacefully in the wrap, she will suddenly scream out of nowhere and won't stop until I bounce her a little or, in some cases, until I take her out.

I'm pretty positive she's in the right position. She'll remain content while awake and as she drifts off. Maybe she wakes up hot? Or maybe she wants a stretch and is upset she's too tight? Has this happened to anyone?

I should mention when she wakes up in her bassinet, she always coos and grunts for a while and only cries out if I don't get to her in time (15 min or so). And then it's more of an alerting cry, not a scream like in the wrap!

What can I do? I want to keep her in the wrap as much as I can!