AF only lasted 1.5 days??? Help!

OK...this is my first time posting but I don't know who else to talk to about this. I am to this so this is the first month we are really trying. Glow said I was ovulating week of 5/8 which was confirmed by my doc when I went in for my yearly on 5/12. I had the stretchy CM and everything that whole week. I impatiently waited until this week to see if AF would come as predicted on 5/26. Sure enough like clock work I woke up on the 26th with spotting. So that was that. I was getting ready for work and I had such horrible cramping and felt like I was going to either puke or pass out. My blood sugar felt super low too. This comtinued all day easing up a little later in the day around 3/4pm. So then yesterday I woke up and felt a lot cramps, nothing, and when I was going to switch my tampon realized I didn't need to...I had barely any flow...I continued to check all day and little bits but NOTHING like second day is ALWAYS the worst...super heavy just awful...and nothing. I am starting to worry thinking something might be wrong...why would AF be only 1.5 days?? I took a hpt this morning...BFN...