fast does the pill work/change periods?

Hi.  I think i started my period today for june and also started taking my first ever bc pill. 
I got fingered with precum/precum and/or precum slide from butox to vagina hole 21-22 days ago. (Day or two before fertile window began so went pee before and had not ejaculated for a while)
I started the pill first time ever today and also started my period for this coming month today too. 
Yay! All in one day!
Question fast does the pill alter your period/change the bleeding, etc. 
Been having no cramps and stomach kind of feels acidy. 
It my first day on my new cycle and all day (from last night till up untill now (4:00 pm) i've been getting this:
Bright red/dark red. Just stays in my vagina hole- doesnt come out onto undies etc. only comea out when i check cervix. 

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