Should I schedule c section??

My due date is in 4 days and I am attempting vbac. Have a Dr appointment on the 31st and she wants to schedule c section since baby hasn't dropped and no dilation at all. Dr states since it's a vbac I can't go over 40 weeks because placenta becomes old and baby could be at risk and I can't get induduced. I am really scared since I had emergency contact section November 2009 and recovery was really really bad. I don't want to go through it again. I would like to ask my Dr. To wait 1 more week.

I'm really scared because I don't want anything bad to happen to my baby (we ttc for 3 years).

Please give me some advise, what should I do?

Has anyone gone through this? Or do you know if it's safe to go up to 42 weeks when attempting vbac?