Not sure what the title should be


Hi everyone. My name is leeanna. Ut everyone calles me rose. I am pregnant with my 4th baby and its supposed to be my last baby..

(back story)

I have ptsd and depression and panic disorder which makes being off anything to help pretty bad. Because we was trying to get pregnant i stopped taking anything but my depression causes my body to ache so bad that theres times i cant move cause of the pain and nothing i take helps for pain. Well the end of last month i went to the dr and we decided to try clexia (not sure how its spelled) and the same month i got pregnant so now im going to have to come back off this medicine..

My real point of posting is to see how others with depression cooped with having their last baby and if they regretted it? Dont get me wrong i am really happy with my babies and i am so just not 110% sure that i want to stop having kids but birth control isnt something that has agreed with me (tried it twice and it made my depression worse and made me sick) i am just afraid that if i make that choice i will regret it after i have it done. I also know that its not really possible for me to have any more since we are so low just so emotional and its driving me crazy... My honest question is did anyone that got it done regret it or was it worth it. I want to be done but i also dont that small part of me that doesnt is getting in the how did anyone with depression coop with having their last baby/pregnancy?