Silly rant...

First off, I love my FIL. He's a wonderful man who is an amazing grandfather to my daughter. That said, tonight while out at dinner at a steakhouse, I had a pregnancy moment - super agitated over minor things (like the restaurant being crowded and the wait staff crowding our table and almost squishing my daughter as I loaded her in the high chair, I was hungry, etc). I made the remark that I was "over it" and just annoyed when my hubby asked what was wrong. I guess my FIL interpreted it as me being irritated with my daughter who was being a typical 2 yr old. His response: "You better get used to this. Soon you'll have two to deal with." I know it's silly, but I just think that's the last thing any pregnant woman needs to hear when having an emotional, hormone driven moment (esp. when I wasn't even bothered about my daughter). I'm over-the-moon excited to have two kids, but in a moment of stress I don't need a reminder that it will "soon be worse." Lol. I've had several other, well intentioned people say something along these lines, and it always irritates me. 🙄🙉 Anyone else?? (Sorry so long - just annoyed lol.)