In laws from overseas

Jules • Married to the 💟 of my life. Mama to #babyogvelasquez my beautiful Liv. PCOS "Cyster". Think baby #2 may be on the way!!!
My in laws are flying in from Venezuela. My relationship with my MIL has been rocky from the beginning because of what she calls and misunderstanding and I know to be because of her lies and own insecurities and constant need for attention and getting her way. In short she is an entitled diva brat. However I've been married for 11 years now and I am expecting my first child. They live overseas so it wasn't much of a big deal except when they visit. Our first child of which is her 3rd grandchild but first girl. So naturally her and my husbands family is quite excited which I think is great. Our relationship has gotten better mainly because I stand my ground respectfully and my husband has grown up and put her in her place when needed. However.... They AND my husband want to fly in for the baby shower which will be late August early September and stay with us till the birth in October!!!! Now mind you whenever they come into town my husband does not believe in making them stay in a hotel since he only sees them ever 3-4years. Which I think is understandable for the most part except they can tend to stay for 1-3 months!!! Which is a long freaking time. My MIL being the entitled diva brat(notice how I haven't said bitch or monster in law...) she's not a mean person nor does she treat you badly. But.... Has severe OCD for one. I mean she physically cannot see something out of place or dirty that she HAS to clean it up or straighten it out. You would think this is a good thing and if it were done in a normal way sure. But she is obsessive about it and while I'm the type of woman who keeps a clean house and things are generally in their place I do not obsess or slave over my house and chores. Life is too short. So it gets annoying because although you think you helping when you rearrange my entire kitchen and bookshelves... You're not. Two: she is a brat!!! Omg if she doesn't get her way she actually has a tantrum will get mad and not speak for an undetermined but oh so wonderful period of time. I ignore that shit because hell no I'm not going to validate that behavior like my push over FIL does. Whom can barely get a word in sometimes and adores her but spoils her rotten. Three: entitled.. not sure if this is a cultural thing or not(without offending anyone) but she is all about high end, name brands, boujieness which is perfectly fine... In fact I don't mind alittle Michael kors and Calvin Klein in my life either. However I don't expect or guilt other people into getting those things for me. Or eye drool in such an obnoxious way over a pair of sunglasses I'm wearing so much so that I never pull them out again. She actually asked me to try on an old pair of Chanel sunglasses I was wearing which is fine... Try em on who cares right?? Wrong she kept them on and looked at me and said you have another pair right? You don't need these? I was fuming because how dare you?! Then threw a fit because she wanted to find the same model I had which were over 4 years and old not made anymore.  I was taught to never blatantly ask someone for something that is not up for grabs or that hasn't been first offered to me. It's just so entitled and rude and puts me in the awkward position of telling you uhhmm yeah no sorry I don't have another pair as I hold out my hand for you to give me back my shit!!! 
Anyway.... Am I being unreasonable when I say I am dreading my In laws coming to stay for over a month and god knows how long after the birth of my daughter?? Staying in my small town home which has 3 rooms. One of which is occupied by my home office because I have a corporate call center job but I work remotely and the other is the nursery and finally our room. We have a sofa bed in the nursery but basically that room will not be used by my kid till they leave because... If she thinks I'm going to put my kid to sleep in there while they are in there she has gone off the deep end. So essentially not only are they house guests while I'm coming home with a new baby but they are also occupying and taking over my kids room. There is no other place that sofabed fits btw because I would've moved it already. I can already picture her rearranging my kids things, again cause if the OCDness. Changing around my decorations...I'm just so overwhelmed and what should feel like a very exciting count down to the arrival of my baby girl.. now feels like a count down to my mental and emotional demise. Please help. Hotel is not an option. My husband doesn't believe in that but he is the type to speak up and put his foot down which is wonderful. He has already said he will put in her check without me even telling him. But is it wrong i still don't want them in my house since the baby shower till birth and then god knows how long? 😫😫😫