TWW?! I wish.

TWW? More like 4 week, or 6 week, sometimes even 7. 
I am so frustrated. 
I wish it was as simple as a two week wait for me. 
I wish I knew if I ovulate. 
I wish I could tell when I ovulate. 
I wish I knew how long it will be till my next period, or if I'm going to get a next period. 
I have PCOS and Endo
I have sex every day or every second day, watch my diet, keep active, I take good care of myself. I try to check CM, cervical position and BBT but it just doesn't make sense, it's not adding up. There's no point in me using OPKs as I have no way of knowing when is the right time and they end up becoming quite costly. And even if I did get lucky and fall pregnant, I wouldn't even know when to test for that because my periods are so irregular. 
I'm just feeling extremely sad today, everyone around me seems to be falling pregnant (and for most it's a surprise) and here's me, trying so hard and wanting it even more with no luck. I can't stop torturing myself, I love watching those pregnancy announcement compilation videos on YouTube and thinking about how I would do it then I make my partner watch them and end up getting upset when he isn't interested. I find myself looking at nursery decor too. It just hurts some days and others not much, it's not a good day today. 
My partner has his appointment for a sperminal analysis soon and then we will be referred on to a specialist so that is good news. 
But I know I can't be the only one who has days like this, let me know I'm not alone!! 
Sending you all positive vibes and baby dust galore!! 💛 xox