Birth control for acne.

Hey girls. 
I've been suffering from acne for a few good years now and only just diagnosed by a dermatologist with moderately severe acne. I've tried soo many different antibiotics for acne and different prescription creams but not many worked or just really upset my stomach. I've finally found a antibiotic that works (Erythromycin) and a Treclin gel. However I'm scared that when I stop using the antibiotics my skin will break out a lot and my only option left will be Isotretinoin which I'm not particularly fond off with the side effects that come with it. My dermatologist suggested birth control once but I just laughed at the thought.   However I might consider it. Do any of you lovely people know any good birth control that would work, not mess up my body and also be available in the UK. Thankyou soo much 💛