Is it yeast? Uti? Std? HELP!!!! (Maybe tmi idk).

Tyrah • Not TTC but tracking my irregular cycle
So I had sex with a guy that I know pretty well exactly one week ago. He wasn't rough but considering the fact that I'm pretty tight, it still hurt quite a bit and I tore a little towards the back of my vulva. But the pain went away after a few days. Yesterday (7 days after sex) I started noticing a deep itching and a little painful sensation around the area where I tore. Didn't think much of it until I woke up this morning. HOLY HELL IT STINGS AND BURNS LIKE I SAT ON A WASPS NEST INFERNO!!!! It itches all over my labia all up towards my clitoris (tmi sorry) and has an overall dull ache. And it burns when I pee like pouring alcohol into a cut. I don't have a lot of discharge but it's milky and my Urine is dark. I had a uti about a month ago but cleared it up with antibiotics from the doctor and this doesn't feel like a uti. I've think I've had enough to know. I peed twice before and twice after sex. Anybody know what this is cause I feel like crap!!! Please help. And also I'm a little swollen down there where I tore.