She dropped off the face of the earth and then comes to me at 4 am

Beth • ~~~♡♡Let`s Roll♡♡~~~

About 3 years ago I was friends with someone who liked playing the stupid girl...she loved the attention it got her although with some it was negative. But she craved it. To make the next paragraph short I'll say this: we were really good friends bosom buddies if you will. She would come to me for advice and vice versa. We've been through everything together. Breakups, death of loved ones, those awesome club hopping nights...everything. then for some reason she just stopped calling and texting. Just like that Bam! Gone.

When my brother died in 2014 I reached out to her. I told her what happened (heart attack in front of his kids on father's day) and I got a response that said that's nice to hear (really that's what was said) but I don't wish to be friends with you anymore. That was it. As you can imagine I was sad and mad. But I let it go.

Sooo it was my surprise that yesterday at 4 am there's a knock on my door. And guess who it was.....yep that ex friend. She was strung out on heavy drugs and cradling a baby and..well it was a nightmare. I let her in only becuase of the time and the neighbours still sleeping and all and the poor baby. She gave me a song and dance about how sorry she was that she changed and got into drugs and then had a baby and doesn't know what to do with it. The father up and left her. She was bawling like mad. I have a cradle for when my nephew comes over so I but her baby (who was so sweet) in the cradle up stairs and had my husband call the police.

About a half hour later they came and their was a struggle. My hair was pulled by her and names were said to me.

I did the right thing though right? I feel bad that she came to me for what I don't really know, we didn't get that far in the convo. But The CAS came this morning and took the baby. I called my ex friends family and told them. Hopefully they get the baby. But goodness it felt so was the right thing though right?