IUD removal

So my body never adjusted to my IUD. It hasn't been comfortable, and sometimes borderline miserable. 😩 I could feel it when we had sex, not the strings necessarily but I would get super crampy if it was any position other than missionary. And getting any thing more than half the dick would make me crampy as well. 2 months of JUST missionary and half a dick is just not gonna work. 😂😂
I got brave and said screw this, bend me over. Maybe 30 seconds later I got a super sharp pain that ended all of it. And it didn't go away for awhile. I've been crampy ever since. So it's coming out Monday morning!!! Finally. 
So does it hurt when it gets taken out? do you bleed? And how long do you have to wait to have sex? We're going on vacation next weekend and I'd like to enjoy myself 😉