How do I stop myself craving sponges!?

When I was little I'd sit there in the bath and chew a sponge. I wouldn't swallow it though. I'd suck the water out of it and chew it until it went all mushy. I thought I'd grown out of it. Since being pregnant ITS COME BACK!!! I cannot stop chewing sponges. It's driving me insane! It's getting worse! I get upset if I have no sponge to chew. I'm getting to the point where I'm stealing clean kitchen sponges out my mums cupboard and chewing them! I'm sat on my bed chewing one right now. I can't help myself. It's like I'm addicted! I found out from my grandma that when her mum was pregnant she craved coal? Maybe crazy cravings just run in my family😕 someone please help me!! I'm 22 weeks + 5 days.