Chest pain and anxiety?

I am not sure if this is stress/anxiety, me being a hypochondriac, or something seriously wrong. I'm 25 and I've been having some chest pains for 3 days. I plan to talk to my doctor, but I wanted to hear from people if this sounds like a classic anxiety attack or not. 
I feel like I've had the wind knocked out of me. It's not so severe that I can't carry on a conversation. I can work, talk, and walk fine. Exercise does not make it worse, and I can breathe perfectly fine. Blood pressure is a good 110/73, and my heart rate has been a consistent 80bpm. It's going on 3 days... Could it be anxiety? A pulled muscle? It's more on my right side than my left. My mom had a heart attack over the weekend, but hers was caused by diabetes. I plan to discuss it with my doctor, but I wanted to hear from others what an anxiety attack feels like, or if you've had a heart problem, what that feels like.