How do people survive on 38k a year!?!

So I just took my first post masters degree job and the starting pay is 38,500 a year. That seemed like a lot because it's (unfortunately) just me but it isn't. That's like poverty and I'm stressed because I have go have insurance too. I have never had to support myself and I'm just wondering how people do this whole adult life thing? I feel like life isn't made for single people like you NEED a significant other to survive financially. I'm so pissed I got the degree I have because it's trash... like my life.
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Posted at
Wow I would have lived big on 38k a year! I worked for over a decade at a bank thru my 20's and didn't make over 25k a year. I built a house on that budget and had a car payment and lived alone that entire time.I think you need to reevaluate your spending habits and make a budget. I tracked every year out of the country on my less than 25k budget. I'm married now and I don't work only my husband and we survive on less than 18k a year. No government help. We just have an extremely strict budget. It allows us to spend our extra time volunteering teaching people the bible 


Lisette • Jun 4, 2016
Oh yah girl you're gonna make it just fine on that. Oh and that bank job that made me less than 25k a year, well I just quit it last year. So now worries, I'm 29 and survive on under poverty, you got this!


Gabrielle • Jun 3, 2016
Ok I'm a little less scared now


Savannah • Jun 3, 2016
Also depends on where you live as cost of living is different from state to state


Posted at
Oh jesus Gabrielle, 38500 is plenty to live on. And with regards to being single, I've said it before, you really need help in this regard, learn to be alone and cope alone before you pursue a husband, this is what is causing you stress. Just stop looking. Your life will be better for it


Colleen • Jun 5, 2016
I'd like to add that I know PLENTY of women who get married because they don't want to be alone. More often than not they make less than 38k combined, plus they often have the added stress of children... It's not "easier" to be married or in a relationship. In a lot of ways that makes finances harde


ViciousTrollop💄🖤🐠 • Jun 3, 2016
Seconded on the getting counseling. She needs to learn to be okay with herself.


Watson எம்மா 🐳🐾 • Jun 3, 2016
She's always posting these heartbreaking posts asking how she can find a husband, I really really feel for her


Posted at
Wow, some of these women are sooo rude. I live near seattle and 38k would be really hard to survive on. Plus, she completed a master's degree. She is probably at least in her mid-twenties coming out of school with maybe $50,000+ owed in student loans. It's not spoiled of you to expect a competitive wage. I made $42k my first year out of college with a bachelor's degree, and I remember feeling like I would never climb out of my $30,000 debt hole. It has now been 7 years since I graduated. The $30,000 is paid off, my car will be paid off next April, I own a house, have $12,000 in savings, and my husband and I are looking into buying property. The first few years out of college suck, but if you work hard, they do get better! I also understand wanting to find someone to settle down with. It's normal at that age. These women honestly sound jealous and calling you desperate is just a way to make themselves feel better. Good luck to you.


Casey • Jun 7, 2016
Depends on where she lives. Also the degree she got affect her base rate of pay. Sucks for a master degree. I make 50- 60k for an associates in my field and state. I remember those years being below 30k and it sucked plus paying off student loans at the same time


Y • Jun 6, 2016
imagine if it was Manhattan, I read living in SF costs more than NYC now


Alison • Jun 6, 2016
I'm so happy I read someone else post who understands her. Everyone is so set of 38k being a great deal of money. Def not in my


Posted at
How does an individual not survive on $38k a year? It's all about living within your means. The poverty level in the US for one person is roughly $11000-$14000, depending on your state, so no $38k is NOT "like poverty". You need to find someone in real life to guide you bc you sound like you genuinely do need help.


Chuki • Jun 5, 2016
In my state the poverty level is 21K. With kids it is tough. Plus you have to realize with her education her student loan payment may take a sizeable chunk out of her budget.


Lifeislovely • Jun 5, 2016
I gotcha. That income without children and with a roommate is doable is just about any area. Once I realized that I needed a roommate my living situation was so much better. Getting a roommate is a much better choice than just moving in with some guy. You are right.


ba • Jun 5, 2016
"living within your means". I wasn't insinuating that she would be able to afford to live by herself in an extravagant house, just that she should be able to ~survive~ on a $38k income. Depending on where she lives, she might not be living lavishly but she should be able to support herself.


Posted at
$38k a year by yourself is a piece of cake girl. I don't know why you're so upset. You only have to support yourself. That's perfectly do-able. Poverty line is 23k I believe lol. You can live fine with the income you'll get and that's just starting out. You'll work your way up with time 


Posted at
Lol I survived with my husband on 12k a year one year and we saved money and went out and did fun things. I would love 38k a year. 


britt • Jun 6, 2016
We just did. Rent is 625. Bills are about 200. The rest we saved and did whatever we needed to. We make a lot more than 12k now but we did what we had to do that year to survive on it


Sheets • Jun 6, 2016
How did you manage on $12k ?? That's like 1k a month . Was that excluding Tax? What was your rent ? Just curious !


Autumn • Jun 5, 2016
I did this too for our first year of marriage. Just need a good budget and to cut out a lot of extras.


Posted at
You need to budget better if you are struggling on that paycheck! My husband and I make a combined 32k a year and live just fine in Portland Oregon. Don't live out of your means. Also, you do realize people raise entire Families on less than 20k. Don't be so spoiled.


Posted at
Really? Where do you live?Honestly, I think you need to reevaluate your expenses. I could live perfectly fine on that.... But I suppose it differs depending on where you're from. 


Posted at
I feel like this is more about your unhealthy obsession with finding a man than it is about actual concern about making it off of 38k a year with no kids to take care of. You should be able to live off of that. If you live in an expensive city get roommates to cut down on rent and household expenses. 


Posted at
I live in New York City and 38K a year here would not be enough to survive in this city. When I graduated with my masters I was making 52K a year and struggling to pay rent, car, student loans, gas, utilities, credit cards (I accumulated going to school). So I understand this point of view and I was not living above my means. I now have a boyfriend and we just purchased a house last week and I would say in my case it did take two incomes to make the dream work. I think it depends on where you live and cost of living in your area, because anything under 50K in New York City is not a lot.


Alison • Jun 6, 2016
Thanks for this post. I'm on Long Island and the cost of living here is just insane. 38k would get me a studio apt in a bad neighborhood


J • Jun 4, 2016
I've lived in NYC my whole life, my mother made 12k one year with three kids and we survived. Yeah we weren't taking vacation and making it rain but we made it. Where and how are you people living that ya'll cant make it with 50k a year?


Emily • Jun 4, 2016
so true!!! im in NYC helping my husband who's in grad school, and cost of living is terrible!