Doc appt for fertility

So yesterday my husband and I went to the doc to discuss any fertility issues after a year of trying..they took for vials of blood for 4 different tests and did a urine pregnancy test as I am due to start my period within the next couple days. 
Well I haven't heard anything yet and last time I got lab work done they called the same day just a few hours later.
Well I am kind of freaking out that something is wrong. I'm assuming the urine test came back negative because I feel like they would have called by now like oh hey btw your prego.
So I just needed to vent to some people who don't know me because my husband just tells me to be patient and I am not haha they are also supposed to call him so he can set up a time for a sperm analysis and they haven't done that yet either.
It's all military doctors so I can't like complain to anyone either!