Could it possibly have happened this month?

Je`Niqua • Proud wife, mommy of four; 1 bonus son, 1 bio daughter, twin boys
Ok my husband and I have been ttc for over a year and fully trying since October.During this time my obgyn has prescribed me prenatal plus w/iron and vitamin d pills.  I had a Hormonal imbalance due to be being the depo shot for 2 years(last shot was February 2014) my period finally came back New Years <a href="">Eve</a> 2014. Since last year October we have had moments where we thought maybe this time and my period would come. Only thing that would happen is I'd be nauseous and my breasts would ache. I have a normal period that comes every 25 days and last between 5-6 days of bleeding from heavy to low (I'm sorry tmi I'm just trying to get you all to understand my confusion). This month on cd 25 I started spotting so the next day I'm like ok period here went out got more tampoms. Only thing is I spotted for just those 2 days and not the whole day and the bleeding stopped all together.  The bleeding was like a light red color and wasn't even filling up half a tampon. My feet have been bothering me all week, I feel only slightly nauseous every now and then and no breast pain unless I lay on my stomach. My husband has been saying I'm pregnant for 2 weeks now but all this has happened just this week. I don't want to get my hopes up.