Going crazy!

AF was due on May 31st still no sign of her🙏. I look a test on the 31st and 6/1 both BFN😔. On the 3rd on took another first thing in the AM put it in my hiding place so the husband didn't see it and I forgot about it. This morning when I remembered I grabbed it and it was a BFP!!!🎉🎉. On my lunch break I went and grabbed another test took two and got another BFN😢. In the mean time I had called me Dr. When they called me  back I told them what happened and she said the first test probably sat to long that's why I got the positive. This is a first for me I have had other test sit and never got a positive.  Has this happened to anyone else!?!?! Needless to say they are sending me for blood work now 🙏🙏🙏