Anyone else on here have an ablation done

I had an ablation in March. I was on BC pills for awhile but I was getting a lot of break through bleeding for several months so my dr did try the mirena but couldn't get it in because I have a high cervix and he wasn't able to see. Over the years I've tried different BC pills the last one being where I got no period at all but I still got the break through bleeding which we decided it was best for me to have the ablation done. I have 2 adult children and don't plan on having any more kids. So far the ablation is working. My dr wanted me to track when I'm ovulating which honestly I don't know when I'm ovulating. That's why I added this app. Since the ablation I have very sore nipples for about a week once a month, acne and migraines. I wanted to know if anyone else who has had an ablation do you have any of these symptoms or other symptoms if so what symptoms? Does this mean I'm ovulating? Or does it mean this is when I would usually get my period?